My Top 5 News Sources

Fox News Channel 

Fox News is one of the most trusted television news sources in the country according to USA Today poll. If you are from New York you probably have this news channel playing every morning wether it be on television or on the radio. This news network provides breaking news, political entertainment, live coverage of major events, and even lifestyle tips and magazine guides. Fox news has it all. 


Cable News Network, also known as CNN, provides world news through the use of articles and videos. CNN does a great job at making news easy too understand for those who don't know much about the topic. It is popular for having a younger following due to their style of writing and portraying of the news, especially for their sports sections. 

New York Times 

The New York Times is an American newspaper that provides the readers about everything and anything that is happening currently worldwide. This newspaper is unique because they save articles from the past allowing readers to find out information from past events. This unique feature is highly used and helpful toward students.

E News

E News is a source that focuses entirely on the entertainment industry, such as celebrity news and gossip. This source also keeps you up to date on the latest fashion, as well as popular movies and tv shows. Many of those who are into fashion often rely on E News to post pictures of celebrities and their bold fashion statements. They also have in depth interviews with stars, which increases their viewings. 


Buzzfeed consists of breaking news in the entertainment industry, quizzes, videos, food reviews,  recipes,  DIY hacks, and many more. Buzzfeed also has their own youtube channel making it easy for many different age groups to follow. One of their more popular content is their online quizzes. Their quizzes are geared to numerous different age groups and are highly intriguing which encourages you to share them with your friends. 


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