Snoozing at 75 mph

Earlier today Seth Blake, a guitarist in the band Wage War, posted a video on twitter that his fiance took of a man "straight snoozing" while going 75 mph in a Tesla on the interstate highway in California. This video shows a Tesla Model 3 being self driven whole approaching Los Angeles, California as the driver, who was obviously asleep, had his hand on the steering wheel and his head slumped to the side.

The Model 3 Tesla offers a feature called Autopilot where it's capabilities include keeping the car in between the two lanes and breaking when approaching other cars. However, the drivers hand must be on the steering wheel for this feature to work in order to insure that the driver stays aware of his surroundings. As we can see, this didn't quite keep people from falling asleep.

A number of similar videos have recently been uploaded to the internet in the past several weeks. The use of Autopilot is raising many concerns and many are prompting safety groups in order to make users aware of the danger it can create for themselves and others.

Below you can see the video:


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