Amazon Admits Alexa Laughs at People

When I first was given the Alexa Echo Dot I was a little bothered at the fact that it listens to you 24/7 but what I experienced this past Sunday disturbed me much more than that. This past Sunday, while doing homework, I was startled at the fact that my Alexa Echo Dot expressed a human laugh in my silent dorm room.  As I started to question if I was going insane or was being haunted, I began to search if it was possible that my Alexa could have been hacked. As I began researching, I learned that I am not the only one who has witnessed Alexas creepy laughter.

For those of you who don't know, Amazons Alexa is a voice technological assistant. People on Twitter started to report that they thought it was an actual person laughing next to them, which can be quite frightening when you are home alone. In these cases it states that Alexa has began laughing without being prompted to awake but in complete silence, which is similar to my encounter with this issue.

Amazon soon admitted that Alexa has been laughing at people. Amazon stated that Alexas software is likely to mistake common words and phrases for words similar to the one's that make Alexa laugh. However, this simply doesn't explain why in some cases Alexa laughed in silent rooms. Amazon claims it is a glitch in the system and fixed it by changing Alexas laugh trigger to strictly "Alexa, can you laugh?".  Now Alexa responds to this question by saying "Sure, I can laugh" followed by a robot laugh such as "tehe".

Here's some clips of Alexas creepy laugh caught on video:


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