
Showing posts from May, 2019

The Power of Blogging

My Reflection Reflecting back on the blogs I have written this semester, I have seen my ideas and thoughts develop greatly on the impact that widespread media has had on our society and government. Starting off I viewed media as being nothing more than individuals wanting to share their every day lives with others through social media apps such as instagram and snapchat. As I learned more about the significant impacts that media has had throughout history in my Media Law & Literacy course, I have learned how widespread media has a a much more significant meaning. New Meaning of Empowerment  The First Amendment was the start of many important parts of history where free expression has impacted the world in which we live in today . When I say 'important parts of history' I am specifically talking about court cases that has allowed us to be able to express ourselves freely now. Court cases such as Gillow vs. New York, Near vs. Minnesota, NY Times vs. U.S.,  Bartnicki v