
Showing posts from April, 2019

Presentation: Media Consolidation

Since I was absent during the day of presentations I decided to choose a topic in my presentation group to focus on. The topic that really interested me the most was Cord-Cutting. This topic caught my eye because I am a cord-cutter myself. Instead of watching regular cable television, I now use alternative internet-based services such as Netflix and Hulu instead. Cord-cutting, in regards to broadcast television, refers to the pattern of viewers (known as cord-cutters) that cancel their subscriptions to paid television channels, like ABC or CBS, for alternatives such as Netflix and Hulu. As stated in the presentation, trends now show that cord cutting takes place in 20% of American homes and is predicted to increase to 30% by 2024. The reason for such an increase in cord cutting is because Americans are constantly looking for a better deal economically from different providers rather than the one they are already subscribed to. Internet-based services such as Netflix, Hulu,  Amazon

Vertical Integration

What is it? Vertical integration is when a supply chain of a company is owned by that company. A supply chain usually includes steps such as starting with the raw material, turning it into a product, and then selling the product. When a company uses vertical integration they become in control of all the parts of the supply chain rather than one part. Many companies use vertical integration because it assures that the company has the supplies needed by the firm to produce its products.  Companies use this strategy in order to avoid "the hold-up problem" , also known as the commitment problem. The hold-up problem is a situation where two parties may be able tot work most efficiently when cooperating, however they refrain from doing so in order to avoid giving the other party increased bargaining power.  Pros & Cons  Their are plenty of benefits that companies gain when using vertical integration; such as being in control of their materials/supply chain, being ab

Online Footprints

My Online Footprint  Everyone googles themselves at-least once in their lifetime. If you are an avid user of popular social media sites such as facebook or twitter, those profiles are usually the first to come up. When I googled myself, my profiles for Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter popped up. I was not worried because I have always portrayed myself properly on my social media knowing that one day companies will google me if I was being considered to be hired. However, as I scrolled down I was embarrassed to see foolish projects that I did in high school posted on my youtube channel and a twitter profile based on the show "Dora The Explorer" that I had to make for my spanish class freshman year of high school.  I thought to myself, if I was an employer and saw this, what would I think? I immediately viewed myself as being seen unprofessional. I quickly deleted my youtube videos and deactivated the twitter account. When I refreshed the page and looked myself up again, I was